Our Services
Co Serve Consulting | Technology is a leading independent professional services firm. We offer a range of management consulting and technology advisory services, specialising in the provision of probity and governance advice, for public and private sector projects and processes.
Together with our network of consultant advisors and professional associates and partners we offer expert independent professional advisory services that represent good value for money and deliver real and meaningful benefits for our clients.
Through Co Serve Consulting (CSC) we provide expert independent management advice and consulting services that represent good value for money and deliver real and meaningful benefits to you. These range from business planning, probity, governance and techno-economic advice to project management, operational and performance reviews.
Co Serve Consulting (CSC) has particular expertise and extensive experience delivering timely independent probity and governance advice, ensuring that procurement, market or public engagement processes, as well as organisational operations and behaviours, reflect legal obligations and institutional guidelines. and adhere to best practice principles.
Together with our technology partners Co Serve Technology (CST) can assist you to better manage your investment in computer technology, help with technology related problems, including computer supply, repair and support, as well as ensure that your technology is aligned with business needs.
Service Panels
We currently participate in several government service provider panel arrangements, including:
Registered consultant with the NSW Government’s Prequalification Scheme (SCM0005) for Performance and Management Services. In particular engagement type 1 for Government and business strategy - governance, and engagement type 6 for Audit, quality assurance and risk – internal and external audits, risk management, probity services.
We have been a prequalified probity services provider under this scheme, and its predecessors, since formation of the NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) in 1988.Registered consultant with the Tasmanian Government’s Probity Adviser Directory.
Member of the NSW Government Local Government Amalgamation Supplier Panel.
Client Testimonials
The MareNostrum super computer in the Torre Girona chapel - Barcelona Supercomputing Centre (BSC).
Let’s Work Together
We look forward to new opportunities. Please get in touch with us if you’re interested in any of our extremely useful services.