With over 45,000 students the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) is one of Australia's largest universities, with over 45,000 students enrolled through its 9 faculties and schools, spread over a compact city campus adjacent to the Sydney CBD in Ultimo. The UTS is regarded as one of the world's leading young universities (under 50 years old).
In 2012 we were engaged to provide probity advisory services to the UTS concerning procurement processes conducted to establish Small Works Building Contractor panels for building works under $1 million. Projects over the $1.0 million threshold would continue to be sourced through the NSW Government Procurement System for Construction.
Over 60 responses were received from the open market Expression of Interest (EOI) process and the extensive evaluation process led to establishment of two pre-qualified Contractor panels. The first being a panel of 15 Contractors for projects valued under $250,000 and the second, a panel of 20 Contractors for projects valued between $250,000 and $1 million.
A Probity Management Plan was developed, including various control measures for incumbent contractors working with the UTS on other projects.
We reviewed all relevant process documentation including tender documents, evaluation reports, communications and recommendations. We checked that every participant in evaluation or assessment processes signed a Confidentiality Agreement and Conflict of Interest Declaration. Where necessary we responded to ad hoc requests for probity advice on issues arising during the process.
A Probity Management Plan was developed, including various control measures for incumbent contractors working with the UTS on other projects.
We attended and monitored all site meetings, tender evaluation meetings, supplier interviews, alignment and interactive workshops conducted.
Probity Reports were prepared for each procurement process.
The commencement date for the panels was February 2014 to allow sufficient time to send letters of offer, complete contracts, and induct Contractors to performance, workplace health and safety and other UTS specific requirements as well as debrief unsuccessful Contractors.
The total project value was estimated to be about $24 million over 3 years, and the engagement extended from October 2012 to July 2014.